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Description du relevé de terrain Le relevé rassemble les valeurs moyennées d'indice de surface (vert, senescent, par organe, total, etc.) et de biomasse (matières sèches produites vertes, senescentes, etc. totales ou par organes, contenus en eau) mesurées sur la parcelle flux agricole ICOS d'auradé (FR-Aur) pour les années culturales 2006 à 2019. 
Résumé Valeurs d'indices de surface, de teneur en eau et biomasse sèche mesurés sur la parcelle
Protocole Vegetation dynamic was monitored each year using destructive measurements to quantify the the aboveground biomass produced and the total water content. According to the cultivated crop species, sampling protocole consisted in collecting vegetation five times during a growing season on 10 to 20 subplots inside a footprint area representative of the crop plot: 1 plant per subplot was collected for maize, rapeseed and sunflower, a length of 25 or 50 cm on a row was collected for for wheat and barley. The aboveground biomass produced and yield by Sunflower was estimated in 2016 and 2019 directly by destroying 4 subplots, each of 24 m². Fresh weight was determined in situ and a subsample of 16 plants in each sub-plot was selected to be dried and to determine the dry matter ex situ. The methodology used to estimate area index at each date is described in the file.
Date de publication 2020-09-11
Fournisseur(s) du relevé de terrain Tiphaine TALLEC
Organisme CESBIO
Statut des données Accès libre
Accès direct au relevé https://sie.cesbio.omp.eu/detail_releve.php?id=1
Personne référente Tiphaine TALLEC
Contraintes d'utilisation For any publication using SNO OSR SW data, depending on the contribution of the data to the scientific results obtained, General Data Users are requested to inform the Data Providers and invite them to contribute to the work with additional intellectual inputs, analysis and discussion that would lead to a co-authorship or at least to acknowledge their contribution. The following sentence should appear in the acknowledgments of the publication: "Data acquisition at FR-Aur are mainly funded by the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU) through the ICOS ERIC and the OSR SW observatory (https://osr.cesbio.cnrs.fr/). Facilities and staff are funded and supported by the Observatory Midi-Pyrenean, the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse 3, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), CNES (Centre National d’Etude Spatial) and IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement). We are grateful to Franck Granouillac, Baptiste Lemaire, Nicole Claverie and Bartosz Zawilski for their technical support, advice, and valuable assistance in the field and site management, respectively. We also thank Tiphaine Tallec for the data processing. Special thanks to Mr. Andréoni (farmer) for accommodating the measurement devices. 
Emprise temporelle 2006-01-26 / 2019-07-03
Variables observées
NomDescriptionUnité / Lexique Détails
Aboveground_G_AreaSurface Fraiche aérienne (feuille + tige + épis + fruit + fleur + capitule) + G (Green).Aboveground area (leaf + stem + fruit + flower head) + G (Green) m²/m²
Aboveground_GSD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche aérienne (feuille + tige + épis + fruit + fleur + capitule) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Dry aboveground biomass (leaf + stem + fruit + flower head) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) g/m²
Aboveground_GSD_WWCContenu en eau pondéral aérien (feuille + tige + épis + fruit + fleur + capitule) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Weight water content of aboveground (leaf + stem + fruit + flower head) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) %
AI_methodMéthodes d''indice de surface AIM
AltitudeAltitude sans
CommentCe champ permet de mettre des commentaires dans un relevé. Chaines de caractères
Ear_G_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche épis (grain + rafle + spathe) + G (Green).Dry entire ear biomass (grain + spike + spathe) + G (Green) g/m²
Ear_GS_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche épis (grain + rafle + spathe) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent).Dry entire ear biomass (grain + spike + spathe) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) g/m²
Ear_S_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche épis (grain + rafle + spathe) + S (Sénescent).Dry entire ear biomass (grain + spike + spathe) + S (Sénescent) g/m²
Flower_AD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fleur + A (Alive) + D (Dead).Dry flower biomass + A (Alive) + D (Dead) g/m²
Flower_A_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fleur + A (Alive).Dry flower biomass + A (Alive) g/m²
Flower_D_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fleur + D (Dead).Dry flower biomass + D (Dead) g/m²
Fruit_G_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fruit + G (Green).Dry fruit biomass + G (Green) g/m²
Fruit_GS_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fruit + G (Green) + S (Sénescent).Dry fruit biomass + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) g/m²
Fruit_S_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche fruit + S (Sénescent).Dry fruit biomass + S (Sénescent) g/m²
Grain_ear_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche grain épis.Dry grain ear biomass g/m²
Grain_fruit_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche graine fruit.Dry fruit grain biomass g/m²
HeightHauteur de la végétation m
Leaf_G_AreaSurface Fraiche feuille (limbe + pétiole) + G (Green).Entire leaf area (leaf blade + leaf stalk) + G (Green) m²/m²
Leaf_G_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille (limbe + pétiole) + G (Green).Dry entire leaf biomass (leaf blade + leaf stalk) + G (Green) g/m²
Leaf_GSD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille (limbe + pétiole) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Dry entire leaf biomass (leaf blade + leaf stalk) + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) g/m²
Leaf_SD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille (limbe + pétiole) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Dry entire leaf biomass (leaf blade + leaf stalk) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) g/m²
Leaf_Stem_G_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille + tige + G (Green).Dry stem and leaf biomass + G (Green) g/m²
Leaf_Stem_GSD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille + tige + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Dry stem and leaf biomass + G (Green) + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) g/m²
Leaf_Stem_SD_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche feuille + tige + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead).Dry stem and leaf biomass + S (Sénescent) + D (Dead) g/m²
OcsOccupation du sol. Land use OCS
Pheno_stageStade phénologique des plantes. Plant phenological stage BBCH
Plants_densityDensité de plantes. Plants density. nb/m2
Precision_levelPrécision des coordonnées XY. XY Coordinate Accuracy. PC
Residues_Dry_BiomassBiomasse Sèche résidus.Dry biomass of residues g/m²
Residues_WWCContenu en eau pondéral résidus.Weight water content of residues %
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Projets qui utilisent effectivement ce relevé Aucun

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